May Jew New Journey

GPT-3.5 Turbo: no wait / GPT-4: no wait / GPT-4 Turbo: no wait / Claude (Opus): no wait / Gemini Pro: no wait / Mistral Medium: no wait / Mistral Large: no wait / AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / Azure GPT-4: no wait / Azure GPT-4 32k: no wait / GPT-4 32k: no wait

Server Greeting

Open until the end of May. Password: (In the video. Hints: Dance, Cat)

Service Info

  "uptime": 4337404,
  "endpoints": {
    "openai": "",
    "openai2": "",
    "anthropic": "",
    "anthropic-sonnet (⚠️Temporary: for Claude 3 Sonnet)": "",
    "anthropic-opus (⚠️Temporary: for Claude 3 Opus)": "",
    "google-ai": "",
    "mistral-ai": "",
    "aws": "",
    "aws-sonnet (⚠️Temporary: for AWS Claude 3 Sonnet)": "",
    "azure": ""
  "proompts": 112901,
  "tookens": "342.98m ($3105.24)",
  "proomptersNow": 3,
  "openaiKeys": 889,
  "openaiOrgs": 701,
  "anthropicKeys": 34,
  "google-aiKeys": 289,
  "mistral-aiKeys": 18,
  "awsKeys": 21,
  "azureKeys": 8,
  "turbo": {
    "usage": "1.98m tokens ($8.29)",
    "activeKeys": 676,
    "revokedKeys": 124,
    "overQuotaKeys": 89,
    "trialKeys": 78,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "gpt4-turbo": {
    "usage": "89.12m tokens ($850.49)",
    "activeKeys": 598,
    "overQuotaKeys": 89,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "gpt4": {
    "usage": "18.26m tokens ($230.91)",
    "activeKeys": 598,
    "overQuotaKeys": 89,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "gpt4-32k": {
    "usage": "34.90m tokens ($480.11)",
    "activeKeys": 270,
    "overQuotaKeys": 34,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "claude-opus": {
    "usage": "198.62m tokens ($2105.24)",
    "activeKeys": 20,
    "revokedKeys": 13,
    "overQuotaKeys": 1,
    "trialKeys": 1,
    "prefilledKeys": 9,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "gemini-pro": {
    "usage": "394.8k tokens ($1.92)",
    "activeKeys": 289,
    "revokedKeys": 0,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "mistral-medium": {
    "usage": "0 tokens ($0.00)",
    "activeKeys": 18,
    "revokedKeys": 0,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "mistral-large": {
    "usage": "0 tokens ($0.00)",
    "activeKeys": 18,
    "revokedKeys": 0,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "aws-claude": {
    "usage": "60.22m tokens ($529.52)",
    "activeKeys": 21,
    "revokedKeys": 0,
    "sonnetKeys": 18,
    "haikuKeys": 18,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "azure-gpt4": {
    "usage": "0 tokens ($0.00)",
    "activeKeys": 7,
    "revokedKeys": 1,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "azure-gpt4-32k": {
    "usage": "324.7k tokens ($35.21)",
    "activeKeys": 7,
    "revokedKeys": 1,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "config": {
    "gatekeeper": "proxy_key",
    "maxIpsAutoBan": "true",
    "textModelRateLimit": "4",
    "imageModelRateLimit": "4",
    "maxContextTokensOpenAI": "128000",
    "maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",
    "maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "4096",
    "maxOutputTokensAnthropic": "4096",
    "allowAwsLogging": "false",
    "promptLogging": "false",
    "tokenQuota": {
      "turbo": "0",
      "gpt4": "0",
      "gpt4-32k": "0",
      "gpt4-turbo": "0",
      "dall-e": "0",
      "claude": "0",
      "claude-opus": "0",
      "gemini-pro": "0",
      "mistral-tiny": "0",
      "mistral-small": "0",
      "mistral-medium": "0",
      "mistral-large": "0",
      "aws-claude": "0",
      "azure-turbo": "0",
      "azure-gpt4": "0",
      "azure-gpt4-32k": "0",
      "azure-gpt4-turbo": "0",
      "azure-dall-e": "0"
    "allowOpenAIToolUsage": "false",
    "allowImagePrompts": "false"
  "build": "34a673a (main@khanon/oai-reverse-proxy)"